New encounters with photography and music – we offer various formats to encourage appreciation of our projects.
The INN SITU guided tours cater to small groups and provide stimulating approaches, extraordinary perspectives and deeper insight into the works. Admission to all events is free.
Espresso tour, through the exhibition in 20 minutes
An entertaining tour during your lunch break? A stimulating encounter in 20 minutes with selected highlights. As always, free entry. If you want, you can stay longer.
Photo-sound with Magdalena Stecher, clarinet - 20-minute mini concert with tour
“Music is my great passion,” says Magdalena Stecher. She has played the clarinet since she was nine, starting lessons at the state music school in Landeck and since 2021 studying with Walter Seebacher at the Tyrolean State Conservatory. She is still in high school, currently attending the Musikgymnasium at the BORG Innsbruck. As a soloist she has come in first place in several “prima la musica” competitions and has won special awards at the national level with KlarPoSax and The Comedians.
Dialogue guided tour with Kurt Kaindl - In conversation with the artistic director of INN SITU Hans-Joachim Gögl
Kurt Kaindl is one of the leading Gerti Deutsch experts and manages her estate. He is co-founder of FOTOHOF Salzburg (gallery, publishers, archive). As a lecturer, he has taught the history and theory of press photography at the University of Salzburg, the University of Munich, and Georgia State University in Atlanta, to name just a few. He curates exhibitions and has published numerous works about the history of photography in Austria, e.g. on Inge Morath, Gerti Deutsch, or Edith Tudor-Hart.
Photo-sound with Magdalena Stecher, clarinet - 20-minute mini concert with tour
“What I enjoy most is playing solo pieces because they allow me to fully realize my potential and to express my own musical vision of the given work with precision,” says Magdalena Stecher. She has played the clarinet since she was nine, starting lessons at the state music school in Landeck and since 2021 studying with Walter Seebacher at the Tyrolean State Conservatory.
In cooperation with the federation of the deaf (Gehörlosenverband), this exhibition tour will be conducted by the certified arts and culture educator and sign language interpreter Angelika Schafferer.
Ilija Trojanow was born in Bulgaria. In 1971, he fled with his family to Germany via Yugoslavia and Italy. After moving to various places around the world, he now lives in Vienna. His multifaceted work ranges from the poetic novel to the militant essay. His books are celebrated bestsellers, among them “Der Weltensammler” (The Collector of Worlds) and “Macht und Widerstand,” and have received numerous awards. His most recent publications are “Tausend und ein Morgen” (S. Fischer) and “Das Buch der Macht” (Die Andere Bibliothek).
Helena Lea Manhartsberger is a Vienna-based freelance photographer and multimedia journalist who works internationally. Born in Innsbruck, she studied International Development in Vienna and photography in Aarhus and Yogyakarta. In her work she deals mainly with social issues such as sexuality and identity, migration, armed conflicts, and social movements. She has published in Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, GEO, the British Journal of Photography, and the Financial Times, among others.
Photo-sound with Magdalena Stecher, clarinet - 20-minute mini concert with tour
Magdalena Stecher has played the clarinet since she was nine, starting lessons at the state music school in Landeck and since 2021 studying with Walter Seebacher at the Tyrolean State Conservatory. She is still in high school, currently attending the Musikgymnasium at the BORG Innsbruck. As a soloist she has come in first place in several “prima la musica” competitions and has won special awards at the national level with KlarPoSax and The Comedians.
The artistic director of INN SITU Hans-Joachim Gögl inconversation with the curator of the exhibition Herman Seidl
Herman Seidl is responsible for the selection of images and scenography of the exhibition. He studied art photography at Salzburg College and is a freelance photographer whose activity includes applied and artistic works. Herman Seidl not only curates many exhibitions at FOTOHOF, Salzburg (gallery, publishers, archive), one of the leading institutions for photography in Austria, but is also the author of numerous books published with German and Austrian publishing houses.
Photography curator Moritz Neumüller in conversation with the artistic director of INN SITU Hans-Joachim Gögl
Moritz Neumüller wrote the piece about Kurt Tong in our catalogue. The internationally practicing expert on photography lives in Linz and Barcelona. He is the chief curator of the annual festival Photobook Week Aarhus, Denmark, and the author of numerous publications in the areas of photography, media criticism, and accessibility in art as well as the initiator of the platform The Curator Ship. Sometimes he also ventures into the limelight with his own artistic activities, for instance the participative project ArteConTacto – workshops and participatory art experiences with people who have special needs.
In cooperation with the Gehörlosenverband (federation of the deaf), this exhibition tour will be conducted by the certified arts and culture educator and sign language interpreter Angelika Schafferer.
An entertaining tour of the exhibition on your lunch break?
A stimulating 20-minute encounter with selected highlights. As always, admission is free. Stay longer if you want.
Anna Reisigl studied bass in Innsbruck, Linz, and Vienna with instructors such Robert Riegler, Helmut Schönleitner, Walter Rumer, and Ulrich Langthaler. She is a co-founder of the jazz trio Drehwerk, has performed in concert with her solo project AR Project as well as in other formations including The Flipside Collective, the Tom Joseph Trio, or the Pia Denz Oktett, and has collaborated with Yvonne Moriel, Andreas Tausch, and Yasmin Hafedh, to name a few. Her distinctions include the Tyrolean Young Jazz Talent Award and the Joe Zawinul Prize.
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Dialogue guided tour with the forensic psychiatrist Reinhard Haller in conversation with the artistic director of INN SITU Hans-Joachim Gögl
Reinhard Haller is an expert on evil. As one of the most renowned forensic psychiatrists in Europe, he is regularly consulted for his expert opinion in big criminal cases. His analyses of psychic disorders and spectacular crimes have appeared in the media all over the world. He has written assessment reports about the serial killer Jack Unterweger, the Nazi doctor Heinrich Gross, and the mail bomb terrorist Franz Fuchs.
Dialogue guided tour with the horror movie expert Michael Fuchs in conversation with the artistic director of INN SITU Hans-Joachim Gögl
The Krampus made a career in Hollywood with several horror movies: “Krampus: The Christmas Devil” (2013) and “Krampus” (2015) or “A Christmas Horror Story” (2015). Michael Fuchs is an expert on the media phenomenon of the Krampus. He got his doctorate at the University of Graz with a dissertation about horror cinema and is currently a research associate at the Department of American Studies at the University of Innsbruck.
An entertaining tour of the exhibition on your lunch break?
A stimulating 20-minute encounter with selected highlights. As always, admission is free. Stay longer if you want.
Fotosound with Anna Reisigl, double bass. In conjunction with the Premiere Days – Festival of Contemporary Arts
20-minute mini concert with tour
Anna Reisigl is a bassist (electric bass/double bass) and composer. In 2021, she launched her solo project, AR Project. In 2023, she released her debut album “Close Bye” (Session Work Records), which she presented on an Austria tour (Radiokulturhaus Vienna, Porgy & Bess Vienna, Treibhaus Innsbruck, Alter Schlachhof Wels, tube’s Graz, etc.).
In 2019, Anna Reisigl won the Young Jazz Talent Award of TonArtTirol and in 2023, the Joe Zawinul Prize of the MUK in connection with the Joe Zawinul Foundation.
Dialogue guided tour with Lisa Noggler-Gürtler in conversation with the artistic director of INN SITU Hans-Joachim Gögl
The historian Lisa Noggler-Gürtler heads the Museum der Völker in Schwaz. In 2019, she examined the Krampus in an exhibition entitled “Ungeheuer Wild”, which dealt with the unknown, inexplicable, and untamed. Her work includes countless exhibitions and publications and teaching positions at the University of Innsbruck. Since 2020, she has been the permanent curator at the Wien Museum. Her research interests include musical history, trauma research, migration and colonial history as well as exhibition education and design.
Fotosound with Anna Reisigl, bass - as part of Long Night of Museums, 20-minute mini concert with tour
Anna Reisigl studied classical and jazz double bass at the Tyrolean State Conservatory, the Bruckner University in Linz, and the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna.
In 2016, Reisigl co-founded Drehwerk, a jazz trio that has released two albums to date, and has been its bassist and composer ever since. She has performed concerts throughout the country and is currently collaborating with the string orchestra
Digital artist talk: Curator Hans-Joachim Gögl in conversation with the artist of the current INN SITU exhibition
Uta Kögelsberger lives in London and California and is professor of fine art at
Newcastle University, England. For the current INN SITU project she closely examined the impacts of climate change on forests in Tyrol. Her works have been shown at such places as the Royal Academy of Arts in London, the Vincent Price Art Museum in Los Angeles or the Millard Sheets Art Center in Pomona, California. Uta Kögelsberger received the prestigious Royal Academy’s Charles Wollaston Award.
is a forester, Head of the Forest Division of the Tyrolean Regional Government and President of the Tyrolean Forest Association (TFV). He is an expert on the “Climate Smart Mountain Forest” and is in charge of developing the Tyrolean Forest Service’s strategy for adapting the forest for climate change.
Oliwia Murawska is a Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Historical Sciences and European Ethnology at the University of Innsbruck. Her interest in the forest derives from her research work and her focus on posthumanist positions, in which the forest invariably plays a key role. Among the main topics of her current work are post-humanism, environmental anthropology, the Anthropocene and anthropogenic climate change.
Dialogue guided tour with Olympic champion and forest owner Johannes Strolz
The Vorarlberg-born alpine ski racer grew up on a farm. To him, the forest is an important place of both physical and mental regeneration. As Warth’s internationally most well-known resident, he received a piece of forest land from his village. Johannes Strolz specialised in Slalom. In 2022, he won Olympic gold in Alpine Combined 34 years after his father, Hubert, had achieved the same feat.
We will also broadcast the tour via livestream. You can find the link here.
(c) GEPA pictures/ Patrick Steiner
22 May 2024, 6 p.m.
Dialogue guided tour with Herbert Salzmann, business consultant for innovation
How does the new come into the world? As a business consultant, Herbert Salzmann is concerned with the “inventive capability” of companies, work cultures that are able to find, develop, and accept new solutions
After completing an apprenticeship and evening school, he started out as a rock musician. Today he is a partner at the renowned consulting group Trigon. He works as an organisation developer and management trainer in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Several thousand managers have attended Herbert Salzmann’s leadership seminars.
Martin Mallaun, zither; Johannes Gasteiger, double bass;
Andreas Reiter, trombone
20-minute mini concert with tour
Martin Mallaun is one of Austria’s outstanding zither virtuosos. Whether in improvisation, baroque lute or contemporary music, the Tyrol-born performer is always searching for new forms of sonic and stylistic expression.
Johannes Gasteiger studied in Innsbruck and Salzburg. Since 1987 he has performed at numerous festivals such as the Salzburg Festival or the Mozart Week and collaborated with international ensembles including RSO Wien, L’Arpeggiata or the Österreichisches Ensemble für Neue Musik.
Andreas Reiter studied trombone performance at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna with Prof. Horst Küblböck. He also studied at the Jazz Conservatory Vienna with Erich Kleinschuster. He has taught at Landesmusikschule Brixental since 1993.