Biografie Roland Sila, director of the library of the Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum

BTV Stadtforum
+43 505 333 - 1417

For the historical memory of Tyrol he ferrets out books, postcards or other such items. Roland Sila is responsible for the companion exhibition of this INN SITU project. He studied German philology in Innsbruck, has worked as a staff member at the library since 2000 and in 2007 became its director. In addition, he is an exhibition curator and has penned numerous publications on mainly regional historical subjects as well as catalogue contributions for museums in Austria and abroad. Most recently he curated the exhibition “Vergessen. Fragmente der Erinnerung” at the Ferdinandeum in 2019/20.

BTV Stadtforum
+43 505 333 - 1417