Biografie Bettina von Zwehl and Melanie Manchot in conversation with Hans-Joachim Gögl

Bettina von Zwehl
is a visual artist who works predominantly with photography and installation. After graduating from the Royal College of Art in London, she focused on the interaction between photography and portraiture. Renowned internationally for her profile portraits and silhouettes, she has completed several residences around the world, including at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, the Freud Museum, London, and the New York Historical Society Museum and Library. Her work is exhibited in a number of collections, amongst them the Solomon R. Guggenheim Collections, New York, the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, the Arts Council Collection, London, the National Portrait Gallery, London and the Rubell Family Collection, Miami. The artist lives and works in London.
Melanie Manchot
born in Witten (Germany), Melanie Manchot studied at NYU and the Royal College of Art, London. She works with photography, film, video and sound. Participatory and collaborative strategies are central elements of her artistic practice, which often invokes the interface between documentary and staged forms. Solo exhibitions: inter alia the MAC VAL Museum of Contemporary Art in Paris, Whitechapel Gallery, London, and most recently Kunsthaus Pasquart in Biel. Works by Manchot are held in numerous international collections. She lives and works in London. The works of the exhibition “Mountainworks (Montafon)” by Melanie Manchot were shown in 2019 in the INN SITU gallery.
Hans-Joachim Gögl
is the artistic director of the BTV Stadtforum, for which he developed the ≫INN SITU – Photography, Music, Dialogue≪ series and is continuously curating it.